[YouTube]DOUBLE your CPM!!

Now, before we get started, I'm quite sure that the first thing EVERYONE wants to see is PROOF that this method works, so, we'll start out with some proof

Here's what I did. I uploaded 20 videos, and sent views to each of them. 10 of the videos I didn't use my CPM method on, and 10 of them I did. Here's results from one of the videos. (**NOTE : I'm not going to post 20 different pictures as they are all pretty much the same, these are just the closest AVERAGE CPM videos I could find, out of the 20 videos**)

Video that does NOT use my CPM method :


Video that DOES use my CPM method :


Another picture of insane stats with using this method :

As you can see from the results/proof above, the CPM is almost double the CPM of the video that I didn't use my CPM method on. Now, many of you may say "Well, Laserus, as EVERYONE knows, YouTube videos that are longer tend to get higher paying ads". Well, as you can see, each of the videos were identical in length. They were both 13 minutes and 1 second long.

**NOTE** Some jealous people are saying that this method doesn't actually work and that I'm just clicking my own ads. If that were the case, I wouldn't have very long views as you can see in the picture below. NO, I will NOT give away my method to get HR views, and NO I do NOT get my views from Teslahits. I do USE teslahits, but I get 30 second views from them!

Now, for the method :

1. The first step to utilize my method is your video MUST be longer than 10 minutes. If your video is NOT longer than 10 minutes, you will NOT be able to utilize my method.

2. Once you've uploaded a video that is longer than 10 minutes, head on over to the monetization tab.

.3 Once you're on the monetization tab of your video, you will notice that you are allowed to put in ad-breaks.


An ad-break means that during the video, a person viewing it will be prompted with another ad (or two, depending on the amount of ads you setup here). These ads are video ads, so the viewer will be stopped from watching your video and the ad will begin to play. Here, you can set manual time throughout the video to have an ad play. Here's where you increase your CPM :thumbs: If one viewer sees 3 ads on your video instead of just 1, you can essentially see that your CPM will increase since that viewer saw more than one ad.

If your video is NOT longer than 10 minutes, you will not see the option to input ad-breaks, as you can see here in this short video :


[​IMG] On a 13 minute video, I usually put the following settings as ad-breaks for the best results.

I've tested many different timings and these seem to work best.

Please note, if you put an ad before the 5 minute mark, it will never show the ad. I've tested it several times and it never shows an ad if you put the break before 5 minutes. ALSO, you may think (well, Laserus, why don't I just put ad breaks every 30 seconds and make my CPM $150 ?) Well, that won't work like that. If you put too many ads, then the YouTube video won't actually play the ads. With these settings above, most of the time, one view to my video gets 3 ads played back. One at the very beginning of the video, one at 6:30 in the video and one at 10:30 in the video.

When you put in the ad-breaks, this is what your video will now look like :


As you can see, it now has many yellow tick marks on the timeline. When the red bar reaches the yellow tick mark, it'll start up a video ad. Also, keep in mind, if you manually drag the scrubber forward 5 minutes or something, it won't show the ad at 6:30. You have to watch the video for the whole 6:30 to have an ad actually load up when it reaches that point in the video. Here's what it looks like when you reach one of the yellow tick marks on the timeline.


For comparison, here is the same video without the ad-breaks setup.


4. Once you've setup your video in this manner you're all done
Now, keep in mind, you will NOT increase your CPM unless you get views that are longer than the time of your second ad-break. For example, if I were to get only 5 minute views, then the second ad wouldn't play, so the CPM wouldn't increase. So, to make this method work, you should get about 10 minute views to the video :thumbs:

I hope you guys enjoyed this method and can use it to earn more money with your YouTube ventures!! :smile:

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